Making life transitions can be hard.  You might be thinking of starting a business, making a career change or another type of big life change.  We spoke with our Founder & Managing Director, Sarah Queenan to share some personal ‘mindset tips’ to help you make a courageous and positive change in your life. 

When Sarah founded Humanify HR in 2021, she was at rock-bottom in her corporate career and suffering from burnout.  After recovering from this experience, and now feeling even more determined to put the ‘human’ into Human Resources, Sarah believes that mindset is everything.  

Here are Sarah’s top mindset tips to help you make positive life changes:

You will fail. Embrace it. 

We all know that perfection is impossible. But on the plus side, failure and mistakes are only temporary. Don’t let the fear of failure occupy a permanent space in your mind, as it will only prevent you from doing what you want to do. Reflect on what you learn from failure. It’s always the best way to grow and improve. Then let it go, don’t carry it around with you.  Move forward with the first-hand experience that the inevitable encounter with imperfection and failure gives you.  It’s a gift that only makes you stronger and wiser.

People will judge you.  Let them. 

There will always be someone you’re too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, too nice, too mean, too smart, too dumb, and too this or that for - it could be anything! Remember that the judgement others cast on you, is often about their own insecurities. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with you. Someone else’s perception of you, is not always reality and doesn’t automatically mean it’s based in the truth. As a woman in senior leadership and business, like many others, I’ve had to navigate criticism, judgement and bias. Judgement can come thick and fast, particularly when you are a minority, different or seeking to challenge the status quo. The most important view to consider is the one you have of yourself. As cliche as it may sound, this is really all that matters.

Clear is kind. Always be kind.  

Kindness is not weakness. In our modern world of work, it is a strength for someone to demonstrate kindness. Particularly when you elect to be kind in a situation when the easy road might be to display hate or judgement. Kindness is not about being ‘nice’. Being ‘nice’ in business or the workplace is often a mask, for unhealthy behaviours that sit underneath like toxic positivity, apathy or avoidance. Actively operating from a place of kindness empowers people to engage in constructive debate, courageous conversations, knowing that the people around them have their best interests at heart - regardless of the outcome. Being kind in this way fosters a culture around you of psychological safety, where people feel they can be themselves and do their best work. We know that time is such a precious resource, particularly in the modern world of work. Being clear with your intentions is kindness in action. Being clear about what you are trying to achieve is essential, to ensure you maximise the use of your own time and avoid wasting the time of others. This will often mean that saying “no” and being clear is one of the purest forms of kindness you will come across. Always be kind. It costs you nothing and gives you everything.

Money comes and goes.  The value you create is what stays. 

Create experiences and solutions that provide exceptional value for your customers, clients, and those around you.  Know what your purpose is and most importantly, deliver on it.  Taking this approach will ensure whatever direction you head in is robust, strong and can withstand any storms you might face.  In the context of business, we know that if you can achieve this people will come back to you, particularly if you can provide value through a service that they can’t get elsewhere. 

Your perceived weakness is often your biggest strength.  Trust yourself. 

We live and work in a time when people more than ever want to engage with products and services that are real, genuine and human. Being human in a world that is attempting every day to prevent us from doing so, will be refreshing for those around you and unlock limitless opportunities for you. Embracing your own weakness and stepping into vulnerability, that makes you truly human will set you apart from the rest. It is often a pathway to where your real and potentially undiscovered strength is. Don’t shy away from understanding your own truth, as it is the pathway to creating magic in your life.

You can do it alone.  But together is better. 

As the only founder of Humanify HR, I run the business myself – but not on my own. This is an important distinction. Yes, I spend a lot of time myself making decisions and running things past myself – as I’m more of an introverted personality style, and this works well for me. But I’m not alone – as I surround myself with other founders, partners and people who work in the same industry to bounce ideas off and reach out to when I need a helping hand. You really do need other people, and I have been amazed at the support I’ve received from others in getting Humanify HR to the strong position it is in today. Together is better but make this work for you – there is no one-size-fits-all approach or specific way you should engage. Be true to yourself and the rest will naturally follow. 

Find out more

Humanify HR Consulting is a purpose driven provider of workplace relations, leadership, culture, coaching and HR consulting services.  Humanify HR has a range of FREE downloadable HR tools and resources, to help you thrive in the new world of work: https://www.humanifyhr.com.au/hr-resources. After reading this article and thinking about how you might put into practice some positive life changes, you may be specifically interested in our resources on:

Guide: How to Build a Coaching Culture

Guide: Burnout Awareness and Prevention

Article: How hope-based leadership will lift us from our current state of fear

Important Disclaimer: The material contained in this article is provided as general information only. It is not, nor is intended to be legal advice. If you wish to take any action based on the content of this article we recommend that you seek professional advice.

Sarah Queenan

Sarah Queenan is Founder and Director at Humanify HR Consulting




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